Vasos de Pressão, Trocadores de calor, Furnos Petrolquimicos,Equipamentos Especiais
Caldeiras (HRSG), Condensadores (ACC), Pipe Racks, Tubulação de Vapor, Edifícios de Controle e da Turbina
Plantas por Reboco, Plantas e Fornos de Cal, Cimento, Concreto, Vidro, Peças Especiais na Industria de Aço
Estruturas Metálicas para Insediamento Industrial e Civil, Pontes e Viadutos Ferroviarios e Rodoviarios
Ing. Parata - Elected President of the steelworks industries section of Confindustria Brindisi
Inauguration of the Mechanical Technology Laboratory - ITT Giorgi (BR)
Confindustria Brindisi - Steel indutry section: Ing. Parisi was named President
Pressure vessels Package - GOST R Standard | SCANDIUZZI | SHOWS the production line for PV
NEW SHIP-LIFT SYSTEM (Design, Fabrication, Shipping & Erection by SCANDIUZZI)
ShipLift System - Handling of Mega Yachts in Shipyards | Scandiuzzi project |
Purge Bins ASME U Stamp - Whatch the construction phases performed in Scandiuzzi Brindisi#1 workshop
BRINDISIREPORT - Two maxi-purge bins made in Brindisi for Oman, signed by Scandiuzzi